Parte the fourthe...

"Oh damn. I think my fic just gotten eaten," muttered Fancy. "I didn't know I could feel it!"

"It'll pass," answered Yasmin, wiping her eyes.

"Well, anyway," Fancy turned to the muses, "it sure was nice of you guys to bring Frito. I was worried about her."

A hand appeared in the window of the car, waving a thanks before retreating again.

"So, now what?" asked Azzy. "Who has the plan? You know, the plan. The plan you had when you brought us here. Anyone? Anyone?"

Everyone exchanged blank looks. "What do you mean there's no plan?"

"Um, well, this is as far as the plan got I'm afraid," answered Yasmin.

"Aww man. This blows!"

"I've got an idea!" shouted Fancy jumping up and down on one foot (since everyone knows jumping on one foot helps you think better). "You know what you said about Lobdell? Well maybe we could trick the Marvel guys into standing in line, too, and then Tapslaught would eat them and maybe that would end all of this!"

Mitai, Yasmin, the Captain and Azzy exchanged looks. "Um, how, exactly?"

"Well they're the ones that dreamed up Onslaught and if we kill them we kill the idea and Tap has to revert to that nice sweet girl we all know."

Yasmin shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Well, couldn't we try it anyway? I think the reward of having Lobdell and everyone else eaten is worth the risk."

"Well, she has a point."

Yasmin shot Mitai a dirty look. "Next idea?"

"Okay, how about this," asked Fancy still hopping. "When Laersyn and Kielle got...well got vaporized...didn't a big chainsaw appear? Well a chainsaw is Laersyn's trademark. So maybe when Tapslaught killed them, they didn't die. Maybe she just aborobed them. So maybe they're still in Tapslaught somewhere, fighting to get out. What if we get Tapslaught to absorb a laptop? Maybe they can write a way out of Tapslaught for themselves." She looked around hopefully.

Yasmin covered her face with her hands. "We're going to do Heros Reborn, aren't we," she moaned.

"What? What'd I say?" asked Fancy blankly. "You know, I didn't actually read the end to Onslaught so I don't know what happened. And I don't know how the heros came back."

Azzy stared at her. "You had to have. I mean, that storyline was too stupid and too painful and too senseless for anyone to stumble onto accidentally. It would be too horrible." Azzy's eyes narrowed. "Maybe you're the missing Harras sibling!"

Fancy stared at Azzy blankly and then looked around the group helplessly. "She's talking crazy! It's the missing Summers sibling, not Harras sibling! And I swear I didn't read Heros Reborn!" She glanced at her watch. "We've got a minute. Someone want to run it down for me?"

Nearby, in the line of dazed writers a cross dressing midget suddenly appeared on the shoulder of the writer in front of Remiel.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!" shouted the midget, slapping Remiel in the face.

"Huh?" asked Remiel, slowling shaking his head. "What happened?"

(Y) "Well, Tapestry went nuts and..." the midget started to explain everything to Ramiel, in painful detail.

Meanwhile, like a submarine emerging from the river Ankh, an idea started to percolate in Yasmin's mind. Grinning manically (well, more manic than usual anyway) she ran it through the area in her brain which controlled Logic and Reason. Unfortunately, it was hijacked along the way -- by Oh-My-God-Do-You-Have-A-DEATH-WISH-?!.

"Guys..." she started slowly. "There may be something to this Heroes Reborn idea."

"There is?" Fancy asked hopefully, trying to dodge the newly-awakened Writers. A predatory tomato squished under her foot, victim of a bad aim.

"You want to do a Heroes Reborn?" To say that Mitai was surprised would be an understatement. "And go along with the Loony Ls?! Are you crazy?"

Yasmin tried to look contrite. "Of course not. I'm not THAT suicidal -- oopshopeTAPSLAUGHTdidn't pickupthosecapitals -- I just thought that..." She trailed off, looking at the assembled Writers.

"So what are you saying?" asked Azzy.

"We all agree that Heroes Reborn sucks, right?"

The Writers nodded, some of them adding a few choice curses.

"What if we rewrote the whole thing? You know, what we think would be a good story."

"But I haven't even read it!" protested Fancy.

"That's the beauty of it. We just make it up as we go along. All this while we've been playing by her rules. Hers and the ones set by Lobdell. She goes on the offensive, we go on the defensive. And now we're supposed to throw ourselves at her like battering rams, hoping that it'll be good enough? Where's the finesse? Where's the imagination? Where's the excitement?"

"Where're the deaths?" piped a sarcastic voice at her side.

"Shut up, Captain. Ahem, as I was saying, I think it's time that we start putting our Writer powers to use." Yasmin typed something, and immediately palmtops appeared in every Writer's hands.

Mitai glanced down at her computer for a second, then looked back at Yasmin. "Yes, but that still doesn't explain how we're going to defeat TAPSLAUGHT."

"That's the thing: we don't want to defeat her. We just want Tap back. I think that TAPSLAUGHT has been counting on us to act predictably. She'd expect us to defeat her the way Lobdell wrote it -- and she's going to get one hell of a surprise when we don't. That'll but us time to get the bloody laptop absorbed into her," Yasmin nodded to Fancy, "and hopefully Kielle and the others can make use of it."

"How do we know Tappy's still in there somewhere?" asked Ramiel, emerging from the crowd.

"Just before she... Ai-Leen died, TAPSLAUGHT apologized for, umm, killing Susan. I... I think she meant it." Clamping down on her emotions, she asked the Writers, "What do you think?"

There was a heavy silence.

"Do we get to amalgam ourselves with the Avengers?" asked Mitai, grinning.

(Al) "Erm," interjected a young man wearing a brown floppy-brimmed hat, one of the recently-rescued Writers. "That's, um, a pretty good plan, except I dunno if your criterion for Tappy still being alive in there applies. I mean, she never apologized for killing Dawn, back when she was normal, right? Tapslaught is basically Tappy given a taste for writers instead of fictives, is what I'm saying. So on one hand, she probably _is_ still Tappy, but on the other hand it's not gonna be as simple as cracking the armor and pulling her out, you know? Or at least I don't think it is."

(Ly) "He may have a point," Lyssie muttered to herself, as she considered the situation. "Um, Yasmin? Writers need Muses, right? Goddess, I can't believe I'm even saying this," she muttered .

"Yes." Yasmin said, "Or, at least, they seem too."

"I know mine does." Lyssie paused, "I can't believe I'm going to do this. Oh, by the way, did you know the thought of rewriting Heroes Reborn is a truly evil thought?"

"Yeees. Now, what were you just saying about Writers and Muses?"

"Oh. That! Oh, well, um... *sigh*. They need a Muse in there. And, I volunteer to let myself get absorbed by Tapslaught. So they can have one. They'll be inspired! And I'm quite a-Muse-ing if I do say so myself." She groaned, "I pro-Muse. No more puns." She yelped, "Oi! What is this?! I'm channelling Abyss, now?"

Yasmin, Remiel and the others watched in surprise as the Muse dropped to her knees.

"Thaaat's right, Lyssiebean!" Abysses voice came out of Lyssie's mouth. Her eyes widened in shock, "Oi! Slipper-boy, my body!!"

"Yeah, fine. Look, we need a laptop, or computer of some sort in here, kiddies. Oh, some Guiness wouldn't go amiss, either. Dex and I are getting terribly parched."

"Fine!" Lyss snapped, "We'll get you one! Now, get the hell out of my body!!"

"Cool. Ciao, babes."

Lyssie was nearly growling, as she dragged to her feet, "Bloody Canadian toerag!!"

"Lyss, calm down," Yasmin said in surprise, staring at the fuming Muse. "Why are you so ticked, anyway? At least we know they're alive."

Steam rose from the Muse, "Because he didn't fr^$#%%#g ask! If he'd asked I wouldn't have a problem. Hell, I'd've prolly let him borrow my body." She paused, calming a bit, "Still, it woulda been nice if he'd asked."

"Maybe he didn't think of it?" Mitai asked as she dodged a rotten tomato and hid behind Lyss.

A pear smacked the Muse in the leg, "Ouch!" She growled and shoved Mitai in the direction of Yasmin and the others. Stalking towards the Writers, she began yelling, "Helloooooo!! Get a grip, you numbskulls! You were mesmerised! She was waking you up!!! Bleedin' hell, you'd think you'd be bloody grateful."

The Writers stared at her, looking abashed. They stopped throwing fruit at Mitai and milled about, muttering and staring at the handcomps.

Re: Tapslaught #4

Lyss shook her head and turned back to the others, "I was serious, you know. I think they might need the presence of a Muse to write. Also, it would mean noone else gets absorbed, so..." She trailed off. "All I'd need is a slight distraction to get close enough to her, and I'm in. Give me the laptop and it'll make it in, too." She paused, grinning nastily, "It's not all self-sacrifice, you know. I want to give her a really good case of heartburn, too."

(Al) Alan considered the plan, then briefly glanced down at the palmtop.

"Argh, I'll never be able to type on this," he groused, then painstakingly tapped something out. The palmtop transformed into a Riffesque monocular, which he stuck to his temple; then he grinned around at the assembled writers.

"Braintop. This is Subreality, so I can use comic-book physics if I want. And I've always wanted one of these.

"Anyway...um, Lyssie, not to play devil's advocate again, but what if when Tapslaught eats you you become _her_ Muse? Oh wait, that might be good, you could overwhelm her ..." Alan trailed off, then sat up abruptly, the hat nearly falling off. "What happened to Tappy's muse? When she became Tapslaught, I mean--she's been a lot more focused as Tapslaught than usual. Maybe she's missing her muse. We should go look for it maybe?"

(Ly) "You mean I don't get to give the big T heartburn? I don't have to sacrafice myself?" Lyss grinned at Alan, "I like you. You think like a Muse. Because, yes, where *are* Tappy's Muses?"

(Y) Yasmin looked at Alan and Lyssie, raising an eyebrow. "I haven't thought of that," she admitted. "Tapestry's Muse..." Her eyes seemed to turn inward for a second, then focused on the two Muses. "Any chances of asking Calliope for her name and location? They guaranteed total confidentiality when I first signed up..."

"Uh, that might be a problem," said the Captain, wincing at the thought of her protocol-loving Matrician. "We're not exactly bosom buddies." Lyssie gave her a sympathetic look.

Mitai cut in with, "By the time we find her Muse, there may be no Subreality to save!"

"Yeah, we have to at least slow TAPSLAUGHT down," Azzy agreed.

"Don't tell me -- we become sacrificial lambs?" groaned Fancy. "I thought we were past the dying part."

"The day's still young," Yasmin said, and grinned. "Here's what I think: the Muses go to Calliope and ask for Tap's Muse, while the rest of us try to stop TAPSLAUGHT from nibbling Subreality like it was a biscuit."

She typed something at her laptop, and a scroll appeared in the Captain's hand. The Muses (and a few Writers) crowded around the piece of paper, Lyssie mouthing the written words to herself.

"A warrant?" Yasmin's Muse gaped in shocked silence for a full minute before her dignity asserted herself. "Why a warrant, for Zeus' sakes? With Calliope, a shotgun'll be more appropriate."

"That's because you're just assigned to the Weird Happenings Unit, Subreality PD." Two badges appeared before the Muses, followed by a pair of Sig Sauers. Yasmin's grin, if possible, became even wider. "I figured that if 'the thing's destroying the world we love' excuse doesn't work, a little official weight wouldn't hurt, yes?"

The Muses smiled, fey mischief glinting in the Captain's eyes. Lyssie picked up one of the guns, testing its weight. "How will this help? It's not like Callipe's mortal."

"It doesn't shoot bullets, at least not the lead kind," Yasmin explain. "What it does is alter small pieces of reality. Just think, aim, and shoot. In a nutshell, I'm giving you a little Writer power. It's limited though -- you can't kill anyone, or change the basic foundation of a reality."

With a practiced ease, the Captain clipped the badge to her belt. A holster appeared at her side, and she fastened her gun securely.

She paused. "I think we'll need a couple of volunteers."

"Agreed," said Lyssie. She looked around at the Writers. "Anyone?"

Mitai waved a hand. "What about TAPSLAUGHT?"

"Uh, I'm hoping that you guys'll have some ideas," said Yasmin sheepishly. "I still want to get her to absorb the laptop, just so that the dead," she winced, "Writers can help, but I can't think of any plan that'll slow her down and keep us alive."

"What about the Heroes Reborn rewrite?" asked Fancy. "I haven't read the original, but..."

"Well, people?"

(Al) Alan turned to the Muses, trying not to think about what might happen now that they had guns. "I don't know much about this neighborhood--this is actually my first time here, if you can believe it. Some timing, huh? If there's a crack-house for Muses, though, I'd check there first; Tap was always saying how her muse was an addict. And, um, I'll go with you; I absolutely hated Heroes Reborn, and we might find my Muse somewhere along the way--stretched out in some alley somewhere sleeping, if I'm any judge. Still, one never knows. Er--you lead, then, you're the ones who're armed."

Alan caught Yasmin's eye. "If you need me to play Devil's Advocate again, there should be a conference-modem link between our various computers, just give me a holler."

As he turned back to Lyssie and the Captain, his clothes briefly flickered into a fox-hunting getup. "Talley-ho, pip pip, eh?" He grinned sheepishly as his clothes returned to normal. "Always wanted an excuse to say 'pip pip.'"

(F) "If you happen to see my muse...," called Fancy after the departing team, "knock the s---out of her...him...it, whatever." Muttering angrily she added, "I haven't seen the little bastared in nearly a year. Traitor!"

"Well Tally-Ho, giddyup, whatever. Get going!" shooed Azzy to Alan and the two muses.

With a tip of his hat Alan saluted the remaining writers and then he and the muses were gone.

Mitai took a deep breath. "Okay..."

"Um, I prefer not to talk about this part right now," interrupted Azzy. "It's very depressing."

"We don't really have much choice, now do we?" snapped Yasmin, putting her hands on her hips. "Be sensible."

"Maybe we shouldn't have ever left the Cafe," added Fancy. "We can't tell what's going on. Tap may have munched up all the ficitives by now which means she's bored and Lord only knows what she's doing now. And we don't know where those three Dandes and Mings are either..."

Suddenly the ground shook and there was a low, deep, booming, thudding sound. There was a pause and then the noise repeated as the ground shook again.

"What on earth is that?" cried Azzy trying to keep her balance.

"Not on earth, in subreality," corrected Fancy.

"This is no time to be correcting me!" snapped Azzy.

"I don't know what it is, but I know I don't like it," added Mitai, stumbling as she lost her balance.

The ground shook a few more times and then the noise died away and the shaking stopped.

"I cannae help thee patients with all thee shakin's," yelled an irritated Moira from the back.

"My stars and garters," floated back to the writers as well and then the normal background noise returned.

"What was that?" asked Yasmin as she looked around wide-eyed with surprise.

"Earthquake?" asked Mitai.

"Hurricane?" asked Azzy.

"Tapslaught?" asked Ramiel.

Yasmin's eyes got bigger. "You know Fancy what you were saying about Tappy getting bored once she finished eating all the ficitives...?"

Fancy gulped. "Why do you listen to me?!?"

"You think she found us?" asked Azzy in a hushed tone.

"What are we going to do now?" wailed Mitai

"We are so gonna die, aren't we?" asked Fancy.

"Stop panicking!" snapped Yasmin. "It seems to have gone away for now. So we need to work fast and come up with a plan."

"Well okay, I don't have a plan, but maybe we should definately take Frito's car with us when we go cause I think we would be able to make a getaway faster in a car than on foot," suggested Fancy.

Frito's hand appeared in the winding, shaking its fist angrily.

"I don't think Frito wants to give up her hiding place."

"Look, this is getting us nowhere. We know we have to get the laptop into Tappy and we know...well we think...no, I guess we know...uh, we suspect...well you know what I mean. Anyway whoever gets munched won't die...hopefully." Yasmin looked around the group hoping for a volunteer. The group of people stared back blankly. She sighed.

"I volunteer the cross-dressing midget," said Fancy seriously.

"I resent that! Send the girl with the funny bracelets," snapped the midget still riding around on a dazed writer's shoulder.

"Hey you little twerp!" shouted Azzy. "You shut up or I'll drop kick you to Kingdom Come!"

Ramiel cleared his throat gently. "Well, you see...in all fairness...well there's the dying thing and well the eating thing. I saw Men in Black you know, so I know what the eating involves...and well, what I'm trying to say is, maybe we should draw straws for who gets to go."

(M) "Draw straws? Oh, that's a wonderful idea."

Everyone looked at Mitai. Or rather, her tone. She hadn't realized that, in Subreality, your tone literally _could_ drip with sarcasm.

"Look, none of you have ever role-played, have you."

Five pairs of blank eyes stared back at her.

"If we draw straws, that means that any one of us could be the one to have to go get eaten, right?

Five nods.

"Well, what it that's Yasmin? Or Azzy? Or Fancy? We've shown that amongst us all, a good idea can form. If we lose the one with the most experience, that leaves the rest of us cluelessly piddling around waiting to screw up The Plan."

"And you've got a better idea?"

Hell no, I don't. Shut up and ignore me. Unfortunately, her mouth had taken off again, quite free of the restraints of common sense and self-preservation that her brain usually imposed upon it.

"Yeah, I do. One of us poor clueless folk should go. Like me. I have not clue what a Writer can _really_ do around here, I was just now informed that I have a Muse lying around somewhere, this pocket-sized hand-held piece of sh- er, this palmtop looks like a Fischer Price toy, no offense-"

"None taken," Yasmin assured her.

"- and I think I've done about the most useful thing I'm going to do. Besides, I'd get to meet Kielle, and Dex, and Abyss ..."

The meaning of that began to sink in, and Mitai found herself slowly sliding down the wall she had previously been leaning on. The rotten tomato watched her behind approach, and scuttled out of the way with a small cry of alarm. Mitai didn't notice.

"Mommy ..."

Yasmin watched her dubiously as she sank the rest of the way to the floor.

"You think maybe we should draw straws for the less experienced to go? But you've just gotten here! Talk about sending the sheep to the slaughter. No offense."

"None taken," Mitai assured her from her small puddle on the floor. "Just an idea."

(Az) "Azzy? Hello Azzy? Subreality to Azzy?" Mitai waved a hand in front of Azzy's face. She had been staring off into space for the last coupla minutes while the others had been planning.

"Huh? Wha?" She blinked "Hello Mitai...Whats up?" She smiled brightly

"Oh nothing just that we're all gonna die."

"Huh? Oh TAPSLAUGHT...right." Her face darkened.

"Thinking too hard again?" FancyCatz smiled

"Yeah I...HEY!"

Yasmin sighed "So... Who's our victim?"

"Well Mitai seems all eager to go, why don't we sent her?" The insulting midget piped up

"I resent that!" Mitai cried

"Well is just dat the broad was all rearin to go, not like de one with the funky bracelets ovah here right toots?" He elbowed Azzy in the ribs

Azzy glared and tapped a few words on her palmtop. A nifty blackhole suddenly popped into existance. Calmly drop-kicking the midget into the portal, Azzy smiled and turned around.

"Hey, were does that lead?" Mitai asked

"Pocket Dimension, never leave home without one I always say."

"Hey...HEY!" Mitai smiled, for she had just had a brilliant idea. The others could tell because a tiny lightbulb had appeared above her head with a little ping. "Ladies...and gentleman" She nodded at Ramiel. "I do believe we have ourselves a distraction"

"The midget?"

"Yeah, Fancy, the midget. The little twit is freakin annoying that TAPSLAUGHT cannot help but chase after the little bugger."

"But he's a fictive." Azzy looked very confused

"Yeah, so we make him immortal of something" Fancy piped up

Yasmin frowned "But TAPSLAUGHT killed immortal fictives too."

"Unless," Relization dawned on Azzy. Actually it was more of relization smacking her upside the head. "We make an army of them."

"Wait, Wait... an army? Of insulting midgets? Can we do that?"

"Well, there was once a legion of bunny booties, so I don't see why not..."

(Y) "Good idea, Azzy!" Yasmin's eyes gleamed as she surveyed the laptop's screen. "Incidentally, I can track TAPSLAUGHT and the Heralds from here. Satellite link-up, remember?"

She typed feverishly, commenting absently, "And before I forget, you can turn your palmtops into laptops. I just didn't have enough power for everyone."

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Mitai demanded.

"Umm... you didn't ask?"

Fortunately for the Writer, her task was done before Mitai could kill her. Turning the laptop around, she announced, "Witness: TAPSLAUGHT v Insulting Midgets, Act I, Scene II."

Her grin would have put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

(M) TAPSLAUGHT was rather grouchily ranting and raving when they hit. A loud *blip* was heard, immediately followed by a sound that could only be called...terrifying. It was like a montesory school magnified a thousand times. Many high-pitched voices raised in unison whining.

"I don't _believe this."

"Oh sure, call one Writer a broad, and just look what happens!"

"Rebel! Rebel! REBEL! REBEL!"

The chanting grew shriller, and shriller, and surpassed the kazoo with ease. Surpassed TAPSLAUGHT'S ranting with ease. It was enough to make the great TAPSLAUGHT shudder.

What small parts of the Cafe still standing were pulverized by the shakings of the earth.

"WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!"

Several of the midgets rolled their eyes.

"Oh, yeah, and _this_ writer think's she's all that. Listen here, you're not fooling anyone, Ms. Ego! You're in league with the others! Why is it that every Writer just _assumes_ that they have-"


"Keep telling yourself that, toots, and stop interrupting!" The midget took a deep breath before continuing, not noticing the color change of TAPSLAUGHT.

"As I was saying before I was so _rudely_ interrupted-"


The midget rolled his eyes, and an army of eye-rollers is very annoying indeed. "Get OVER yourself! Writers always assume they have all the power, they're better than we are, blah blah blah!"

TAPSLAUGHT didn't bother to argue. She manifested a rather spiteful looking ball of energy and toasted the midget where he stood, with a resounding *kooooosh!*. Immediately, his chant was taken up by another.

"Well, we've had enough! No more of this letting the Writers screw us out of all the good stuff! From now on-"


"-We're just not going to do anything-"


"-Until we get what WE want. STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE!"





"I AM." Koooooosh!


Mitai watched the scene with delight from the rather large screen TV she had changed her hand computer into, much to the approval of the others.

"Y'know, this is kinda like I imagine the Wizard of Oz should have gone ..."

Yasmin grinned briefly before turning back to the matter at hand, ignoring Azzy's "Hell yeah!" as a particularly annoying midget was...dispersed.

Mitai turned from the day's humor and back to the subject at hand -- their impending doom.

"All right, we have one distracted TAPSLAUGHT, one inexahaustable supply of annoying midgets, one pissed off Queen of Muses looking for Tap's Muse, and a laptop that somehow has to get in to TAPSLAUGHT."

Fancy looked at Mitai. "Don't forget the Guiness."

Yasmin nodded. "I think that does more for inspiration than a Muse does, in their case. Muse of Drink?"

Mitai made a face. "Hey, why can't we just make the laptop look like a Writer, so that she absorbs it without knowing and then it turns into a laptop when it's inside?"

Yasmin gave her a strange look. "I don't think TAPSLAUGHT is that stupid."

Mitai shrugged. "Going with the Heroes Reborn theme -- the stupider, the better. Why don't we just find a Franklin Richards fictive?"

"Reed Richards would come as close as he could to killing you if you did that to his son."

Mitai had to admit Azzy had a point. Besides, a McCoy looked visibly affronted, and Dr. Strange had cocked his head to the side thoughtfully.

Remembering that she had promised to do something like this before she died, Mitai gave the Hank a big hug. He glanced down at her, then immdiately put a hand to her forehead.

"What about one of us writing a fic where the ANTI-TAPSLAUGHT attacks and defeats the TAPSLAUGHT part of Tapestry, killing itself in the process?"

"Uh ..."

"No, wait! We could ALL get absorbed by TAPSLAUGHT, leaving the army to distract her while we all brainstormed together -"

Mitai sighed, thankfully out of the conversation. She spotted an apple on the floor, thrown by a Writer particularly affronted by her Lobdell comment. She wiped it with her sweater sleeve and took a bite.

When in doubt, eat.

(F) "You're ignoring one thing," Fancy interjected. "Tappie isn't eating everyone. She is just as likely to squish us or knock us into a heap of rocks or disintegrate us. We have no guarantees we'll get inside her. I think we need to send the laptop out by itself for safety's sake and we definately don't want to go together! We should just send in the laptop and leave it up to Kielle and Laersyn and Abyss and whoever else is in there."

"Well how are we going to trick her into eating the laptop without eating one of us?" asked Yasmin in exasperation.

Fancy shrugged. "You got me."

*** End part 4

[ * ] Part Five [ * ] Tapslaught index [ * ] Part Three [ * ]

© 1999/98, all the people mentioned up above.