Manipulated Imagerie

  Old Married Couple Icons
You know who they are. They're the partners who fight, but then make up messily. Or maybe they can't make up. But they do the long stare across a room and no one else can even breathe for fear of stopping them. Their luv is not True. But it's cute, and sometimes sappy, and almost always amusing...

I should, eventually, have more than what's here. But this is a nice beginning. ;)

Jo and Roper Characters: Jo McDonagh and Philip Roper, from the BBC's "Red Cap"
Comments: Not one of the original OMC's, they still haven't really gotten their act together. Life has had this habit of throwing complications in their way.
Drusilla and Spike Characters: Drusilla and Spike, from "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer"
Comments: Forget Buffy. Forget Angel. Forget Darla. THESE two were the original OMC's of Buffy fandom. And they should have stayed that way. Sadly, there has since been some really fucking awful writing.
Domino and Cable Characters: Domino and Nathan 'Cable' Dayspring, from Marvel comics "Cable", "Domino", and various X-books
Comments: Possibly the original OMC of X-fandom, in some ways, they've been around forever. In others, they haven't. Prone to snark. Which is good.
Sam and Jack Characters: Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill, from "Stargate: SG-1"
Comments: One of the few OMC's that isn't really. It's all in the fans' heads, or, possibly, the characters' body language. Whichever it is, these two have been there for each other, kicked ass to save each others' lives, and, basically, been an OMC. But without the sex. Poor things.
AndrAIa and Matrix Characters: AndrAIa and Matrix, from "Reboot"
Comments: They started out as little kids, but fate threw them into the games where they grew up much faster. Adding a nicely racy edge to a "children's" cartoon, Matrix and Andi were fab. And bickered. Hee.
Aeryn and John Characters: Aeryn Sun and John Crichton, from "Farscape"
Comments: Arguably the couple which caused the OMC term to first be coined, John and Aeryn have kept us interested and guessing, and angsting, from day one. Hopefully, we'll see the end...
Kitty and Pete Characters: Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom, from Marvel's "Excalibur"
Comments: Arguably, they've broken up. What isn't arguable is that they *were* a cute OMC. They had sparks from the moment she threatened to put his cigarette out on him... Pity it ended so stupidly.
Susan and Dave Characters: Susan Taylor and Dave Creegan, from the splendid UK "Touching Evil" (forget any others you've heard of. They suck ass)
Comments: One of the other OMC's that isn't. They're partners, though. And they've been there for each other through thick, thin, blood, and worse. And they rub off on each other. A lot.
Everyone. Characters: Everyone.
Comments: Old Married Couples DO make the world go round.
These images are copyright other people, and don't belong to me. Or to you. No money is being made by the creation of these icons, and I'm not selling them. Want, take, have (I used to a bit more pretentious, but have you SEEN how many icons I've made? That's kind of pointless, really. But if you still wanna let me know you're using them:

Updated: May 23, 2006