Disclaimer: Apocalypse and Ozymandias are Marvel's. Please don't tell them what I've done. The songs belong to Disney and CTW, iirc. No money is being made.
I'd like to take a moment to thank DeadEye for the idea.. .. And Lynx, too. ;]

Apocalyptic Dimentia?
by ALC Punk!

"Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime lots of fun! Rubber Ducky, I'm awfull-ly fond of youuu!"

The deep baritone that exited the bathing chamber startled Ozymandias into dropping the stack of towels he was hauling. It was coming from Apocalypse's Bathing Chamber. And no one used that, but...

"Rubber Ducky, joy of joys, when I squeeze you, you make noise! Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!"

It couldn't be. Could it?

The voice paused, and then bellowed out, "Ozymandias! The Strong require a bath towel!"

With a straightening of his spine and an attempt to fight down the curve of his petrified lips, Ozymandias sailed into his Lordship's Bathing Chamber. "Coming, my Lord."

"Good." Apocalypse stood up in the deep pool and stretched upwards.

Ozymandias blinked, realising the High Lord was attired in... soap bubbles. He fought down the reaction and leaned out over the bath, towel in hand. "Here, my Lord."

Apocalypse received the towel and began drying his upper body. He seemed lost in contemplation as he stood in the middle of the bathtub. "Ozymandias, the Strong need for nothing."

"Yes, my Lord."

"The Strong certainly don't need any sort of companion."

"Indeed, my Lord."


Apocalypse nodded decisively and exited the bath, splashing water and soap suds all over the marbelled floor. "Very well. Ozymandias, the Strong require a Rubber Ducky."

"A... Rubber... Ducky, my Lord?"

"Yes, Ozymandias."

Struggling for composure, Ozymandias blinked several times, "Are you sure this is wise, my Lord?"

"Are you questioning the Strong's judgement, worm?"

"N-no, my Lord. Merely... The wisdom of this course..." Ozymandias trailed off and gulped, awaiting his punishment with eyes closed.

"YOU DARE QUESTION THE APOCALYPSE?!!!!" With a mighty sweep of his hand, the enraged Immortal swept the cringing Ozymandias into the bathtub where he landed with a splash that let more soap suds cover the floor.

With another roar of rage, Apocalypse stalked from his Bathing Chamber and into his adjoining dressing room (the Dressing Room of Apocalypse). A snarl escaped him as he attempted to ignore the impertinance of that damned Egyptian! Apocalypse was Strong. He would outlast ANYone.

Even a Rubber Ducky. With a soft grumble, he collapsed into the mini-throne that sat in front of the vanity mirror. ("And I shall call it Mini-Throne!")

"Rubber Ducky, you're so fine! And I'm lucky that you're mine! Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you!" He sang softly, thinking of the yellow squeaky toy he'd soon have. That was, if Ozymandias would follow his orders. A scowl crossed Apocalypse's face and he turned it towards the Bathing Chamber.

In the Bathing Chamber, Ozymandias pulled himself out of the bath. He was sopping wet, and he had to find... a rubber ducky. He shuddered, then bent over and grabbed one of the towels he'd brought. Someone ought to get use out of them.


After several harrowing encounters with shopkeepers and toy stores, Ozymandias finally returned, having procured a rubber ducky. It was yellow and rubbery and squeaked. He made his way back to his Lord's dressing room. As he approached, he could hear more singing.

"Me, I want a hula hooop, Christmas don't be late!"

With a sigh, Ozymandias stepped into the Dressing Room. "I have procured the rubber ducky, my Lord."

"Good, good, Ozy. Good." Apocalypse tilted his head to the side, "The Strong require a hula hoop and an airplane." He reached out and grabbed the duck, nearly crushing it in his fist. "Does it squeak?"

"You're crushing it, my Lord. Try easing up a bit."

"The Strong do not ease up."

"It won't squeak if you don't."

"Well... Maybe for the Rubber Ducky." Apocalypse slowly opened his fist and inspected the yellow rubber contained. "Squeak?"


"It squeaked!"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Ozymandias! Prepare another bath. The Strong wish to bathe with their knew toy."

"Yes, my Lord."

"And don't forget that hula hoop."



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