Disclaimer: Not mine. Spoilers/set: post-The Hot Zone. Pair: Liz/Shep ANGST.

Castling the Queen
by ALC Punk!

It's been several hours since Dr. Elizabeth Weir sent Peter Grodin and his crew to bed. The night-shift are manning the control room. And she's out on the balcony that looks over the sea, eyes closed, smelling the salt and the tang of something she can't quite name, but that's become an integral part of her life since she got to Atlantis.

Thinking over the day isn't something she wants to do. Luckily, she doesn't have to, because there's a step behind her.

Instinctively, she knows who it is.

"You played me."

Elizabeth Weir knows she should be turning, and telling Major Sheppard to remove himself from her personal space. She can almost feel his breath on her neck. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Major."

"I bet you think of it as your trump card."

A shiver slides along her skin, and she wonders (not for the first time) what it would feel like to kiss him. This is *so* high school. "Trump card?" She manages.

"Yeah." This time, she can definitely feel his breath across the back of her neck.

"Explain, Major."

"Come on, Elizabeth."

She gives in and turns, meeting his gaze. He's standing much too close, close enough to feel the heat, close enough to see the irises of his eyes dilate. "And do what, Major?"

"Admit it."

"I admit nothing."

His lips are so close they're breathing the same air. "Liar."

This is way past high school. This is graduate school and a third Masters degree and retirement all rolled into one. She jerks back, gasping softly. "I am--"

His hands tangle into her hair and he drags her back against him, mouth claiming hers in a kiss that curls her toes and reminds her that it's good to be alive. Eventually, he pulls back and drops his head to her shoulder. "Jesus..."

"You do it, too," she whispers into the side of his neck.

"Never said I didn't. Elizabeth."

"Not playing fair."

"Life isn't fair."

"No, it isn't, John."

He shudders against her. "See? I knew you were a poker player."

"I prefer Parchesi, Major."

"Yeah. I bet you do, Doctor."

He's nearly at the door back into the city when she says, softly, "I'm glad you didn't die."

"Me, too."

Then it's simply Elizabeth and the wind and the sea.

She wonders if loneliness is something she'll get used to.


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