Dancing Holidays, part 3

by ALC Punk!

"..I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain.."

Pete didn't answer, just started walking. The woman was short, shorter than Kat. Pete towered over her as he approached. Her black hair was pulled back with a scrunchy, and her blue eyes twinkled in mischief as she appraised Kat, "Well, I see my Pete has done all right for himself. You're luvly, dear."

Kat smiled, "Thank you, Mrs. Wisdom."

"Oh, please, everytime someone says that, I look around for the old bag it's directed to, call me Doreen." They shook, Kat grinning as she agreed to the name.

Then, Doreen looked at her son, "Going to hug your mother, lad? Or is it something that rock stars don't do?"

Pete shrugged and bent over to hug her. Kat smiled as they hugged tightly. ~I was right. She IS a dear.~

They made their way through the crowds to the baggage claim, and from there back out to the car. The twenty minute drive, and they were back at the Pryde's. "Nice house." Doreen commented.

"My parents. Erm.. I mean, tell them. Yes." Kat stopped and chuckled, "Sorry."

Kat introduced Doreen to her parents, and then she and Pete carried the luggage in. "She's nice."

They were coming down the stairs again, when the doorbell rang. Pete looked at her, "Rasputin?"

"I'd guess so." She sighed and put on her defenses against the man that hated the band. ~Why? Why does he detest us so? Never mind. Just get through the rest of this day and it should all be fine.~

They answered the door together. Piotr Rasputin stood on the porch. "Kat? Pete? Good. This is the place." He turned back and ushered two people onto the proch. "I'd like you to meet Illyana and my parents. Mother, Father, this is Kat and Pete."

The woman studied them, "Hello."

"Please, come in," Kat gestured, feeling terribly uncomfortable as both adults gave her and Pete the once-over. She turned into the house, "Yana!! They're here!"

In the bustle that followed Kat lost track of Pete. ~Drat. Coffee. Or tea.~ She headed for the kitchen. Doug's mother looked up from reading the newspaper, "Hello, dear. I had a thought. Why don't we go caroling tonight?"


It hadn't stoped snowing all day, and the snow was thicker than ever. A large group was getting song sheets ready, bundling up, and making beverage requests for when they returned. Coffee, hot chocolate and hot cider were the orders, with someone adding Irish creme whiskey to the list. Ororo grimaced and wondered if there was any in the house. Checking after the carollers left, she discovered there was.

Garret had gone with their daughter, she checked to see who was left in the house. Piotr, the Rasputins, Doreen, Lady Moira (Sean had gone with the singers), and Margali. All the rest had gone to freeze and sing. She smiled and wished them luck.


"..Glooooorrriiiaa, in excelsis deo.."

Kat was singing lustily and fighting laughter at the same time as Pete made faces everytime they hit the high note. They'd been caroling for over an hour and everyone was having more fun than they'd expected to. ~We're definitely doing this again.~ The reception from the people they'd seranaded had been lovely so far. And no few had offered them money, Kat had accepted it for charity. ~Might as well, we certainly don't need it right now.~

They finished with a flourish, and then started "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" which was the last song they did and began moving on,

"..and a happy New Year!" Kat giggled, "This is fun! Mrs. Ramsey--Felicia, I must thank you for this." She smiled at her.

"Oh, well, it was just something I used to do when I was younger." Felicia replied serenely, "I thought you might enjoy it."

"It's bloody cold." Pete grumbled, lighting a fag.

"You didn't have to come." Yana pointed out to him from Kurt's side.

He drew, "Mmph. Yeah, well, it were a band thing." He shrugged, "Besides, you all'd've buggered the hell out of me about it later on."

Kurt laughed. "But of course, mein freund!"

Amanda reached over and patted Pete on the arm, "And it was such a sacrifice, too. Coming out and holding your girlfriend all night." She winked at Kat who doubled up with laughter. ~Gah! She fits in. Kurt wasn't lying when he said she had wit!~

"You're all bleedin' against me," Pete moaned. Kat wrapped an arm around him.

"Naahh.. Just a few of us teamed up." Doug stated.

"Next house!" Someone called. "Let's start off with 'Hark, the Herald Angels Sing'!"

And so it went. House after house, after house. Until they were all frozen stiff and exhausted from walking through seven inches of snow and singing at the top of their lungs. Finally, "Okay. I'm parched, I really need some warmth and my legs are killing me."

Kat nodded, "I agree with Yana. Let's go home."

Everyone quickly agreed and they trooped homewards. Steaming beverages were ready as they arrived. Kat grabbed two cups of hot cocoa, doctored them with Irish Creme and found Pete. She thrust a mug into his hands and joined him on the couch.

"Ta, luv." Pete shifted and manouvered an arm around her back. He blew on his cocoa.

She shifted to accomodate the arm and snuggled into his side, still shivering somewhat. She sighed and sipped her cocoa. "Fun. Tonight was definitely fun. Even if I didn't know most of the songs. Improvisation at its best, eh?"

He chuckled, "Yes. You did lovely. As in everything you do."

She looked at him, "Hello? Are you the Pete Wisdom I know? What have you done with him? Replaced him with an evil clone?"

He looked offended, "Hell no. I am me. Bloody tart."

Kat giggled.

"Kat, you always like to pick on him, why?"

Looking over at Amanda, who'd flopped onto the other couch, she replied, "Because I can."

So Pete tickled her. Yelping, she twisted away from his hand. "Pete! The hot cocoa is going to spill--giggle--stop! Eek.!"

She glared up at him from her position on the floor. "That hurt." Ice coated her words. Pete looked at her, eyes dancing, "Wot, can't take yer own medicine?"

"I can if it's intelligent," she muttered, setting the now empty mug on the floor and grimacing at the hot cocoa that coated quite a few parts of her liberally. "Now, I'm all wet!"

He leered at her, "Really? That could be interesting."

She blushed. "Stop that."

"I would, if I were you. She's already pissed at you." Yana commented from her position on the couch next to Amanda. "Besides, Kat needs to go change clothing."

"So I do." Kat left the room, Pete following, "I'm sorry luv. Really."

"Oh hush you bloody bugger." She grinned up at him as they started up the stairs. "Let me let you in on a little secret," she leaned closer and whispered, "Yana and Amanda are going to cover for us."

He blinked, then began leering again.


"She looks around, there are snowflakes on the ground...Stars in the night, there is one that's shining bright..."

Christmas eve dawned bright and sunny. As far as the eye could see, glittering white amplified sunlight unfettered by clouds, creating a blazing whiteness that numbed the eye.

Yana shifted on the window seat and blinked. It didn't help. ~Damn.~ She turned away from the window, watching the shadow-light-echos. Kurt was still curled on the bed, asleep. He looked cute. She watched him sigh and turn over, facing her. In sleep his face didn't carry the lines that gave it character. He looked fresh and new. ~Innocent. NOT.~ She grinned as he woke up and groaned. "Morning Kurt."

"Mornin'," he mumbled. "What time is it?"

"Around 8 a.m. I think." She stood up and walked over, "Todays Christmas eve."

Kurt looked up at her, "Come back to bed. It's too early to be awake."

She grinned, "Okay."


Sledding. "We're doin' what??! No. No, no, no, no. And, NO."

"Oh, c'mon, Pete, it'll be fuun." Yana cracked, fighting laughter, "You'll love it!"

"I will? Getting no bloody excercise. That's me motto in life." Pete groused as Kat dragged him upstairs to get bundled up.

Ten minutes later, they were all trundling up to the top of The Hill. This was the hill that had been used by hundreds of children over time. Maybe thousands. It was...huge. Ten minutes later they were trudging back up again.

"That was fun! Let's go again?" Doug demanded as everyone started back up. "Oh, yes." He ran after them.

"See?" Kat demanded of Pete who was smoking as they arrived at the top, "Now you go down with me this time."

"Oh, all-bloody-right." He grumbled, and stepped towards her, slipping a little in the snow. "If I die, me mum get's it all."

She chuckled and arranged the sled. A RadioFlyer, with runners and a wooden top, it even had steering it was so advanced. Pete took one look at it and sniggered, "The minivan of sleds!"

Kat chuckled and sat down. "C'mon, right behind me now. There, hold me around the waist tightly."

"As if I wouldn't want to," He muttered in her ear.

"Push us off, someone."

The first push tipped the sled over and landed them both in the snow. Kat found herself laughing as she stood up again and helped Pete right himself.

"Let's try that again," she giggled softly, and righted the sled before sitting down on it. "This time, Yana, push softer!"

Pete sat down behind her, grumbling under his breath.

"Hush. Yana?"

This push gently started them down the hill. They quickly picked up speed and were soon hurtling towards the bottom. Everything went passed in a whirl of white. They hit the bottom, and went tumbling into the bank of snow there.

"Oof." Kat just let herself lay there in the e,brace of the snow. It was kind of relaxing, actually. ~Snow angels.~ "Hey!" She jumped to her feet. "We didn't make any snow angels yet!"

"Yeah! You know, where you lay down in the snow and wave your arms around, and, well..." She trailed off. "There's an angel at the end. Here, I'll show you." She looked around and found a patch of relatively undisturbed snow. She lay down in it, and began swishing her arms back and forth.

Pete lit a cigarette and watched her, "And, this is goin' to?"

She stood up carefully and turned around to look. "There, see? An angel in the snow." It wasn't quite perfect, one of the 'wings' was larger, and the legs weren't quite together. But the shape was there.

"Nice." Pete breathed in on his cig. "Now what?"

"Your turn," a devilish grin spread her lips. "Down in the snow, boy."

"Like 'ell. I am NOT." He backed away from the devilish gleam in her eye. "Pryde, I am NOT making a bleedin' snow angel."

"Yes, you are," Kat replied sweetly.

"I bloody well am not."

She stepped towards him, "Oh yes, you are." Her hands came up on his chest and she shoved.

Pete found himself lying in the snow again. Kat giggling as she grabbed his arms and dragged them out straight to wave. He growled and stiffened his limbs against movement. It didn't work, he found out , as she tickled him, making him loosen up again. He found himself waving his arms, grudgingly. Of course, having Kat pressed on top of him was rather nice, too. v "There, that's done." She sounded breathless as she carefully extracted herself from his arms. "Now, stand up. No! Not ON the figure!!" She snagged his arm and halted his rise. "Here, come this way." He stood carefully, grumbling under his breath again.

She turned him, "There, see?" He stared. His outline was a bit mussed, but he could still see it. Wings. He had wings. Pete found himself doubled up with laughter at the thought of himself with wings. Kat looked at him, "What?"

"Me--with..wings." He wheezed. She began giggling, then doubled over as well.

Laughter echoed over the snow as they slowly made their way back up the mountain, stopping sporadically to giggle again.


"Well, since Pete and Kat only ever use one room, I can take the unused one, and then Piotr can have mine."

Absolute silence reigned the table for all of five seconds. A babble of voices broke out, attempting to cover the little faux pas that Doug had just made. It didn't work.

"Kitty is.. Is.." Her Aunt Maria stared at her in shock, "Child, you're not even married!"

A chorus of 'nos' echoed around the table. "You're not, child?" Her grandmother Pryde stared at her, "Whyever not?"

Kat looked around at her disapproving relatives' faces. "Because I'm not."

That seemed to satisfy them, as everyone went back to eating and chatting amiably. Until Uncle Bobby lurched to his feet and glared at Pete. Uncle Bobby was more than a little drunk. "You've dishonoured my niece! Marry her, you bastard, or I'll see you in hell!"

"Bobby. Leave the boy alone." Her dad glared at his brother, "She's not doing anything you're not. Now put it up and be quiet."

Uncle Bobby sat abruptly back down, blushing.

"Only difference, is, he's too old to enjoy it," Yana muttered from the seat next to her. Kat grabbed her napkin, fighting laughter and coughed. Pete, who was sitting on her other side, did the same.


Christmas day dawned cold and clear. Much like Christmas Eve had, but colder. With a windchill factor of 30 below, everyone was rather glad they'd finished any shopping the day before. Ororo was planning dinner, along with Garret and Mr. Ramsey. Kat, Pete and Rahne were organising the gifts--what order they were to be opened in, etc. Some were to be opened with everyone present, while others, were only for families together.

The day passed semi-uneventfully, with presents opened and ahhhwed over. And presents opened and gone.. "uhmm.." over. A basically fun, and jolly holiday was had by all. Even uncle Bobby.


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