Disclaimer: Not mine. Set: In mini!SG-1 universe. With mini!Janet, as well. Notes: Er. This was supposed to be all about mini!Daniel, since Epi requested, but they got distracted on me. Maybe next time. Rating: PG13 (er... some vague sex)

A Mini Dilemma
by ALC Punk!

"She's scary."

"Who's scary?"

Daniel Jackson fidgeted, then looked directly at Sam Carter. "Janet."

Rolling her eyes, Sam closed her locker. "Daniel."


"Daniel, this is *Janet*. She knows our medical histories down to the last time we masturbated." She paused to inspect the blush covering his cheeks. "Ok." A smirk. "Maybe not that deep."

"I am never speaking to you again." He announced, glaring.

"Ok." With a shrug, Sam started walking down the hall. There was study hall to go to (or avoid. Maybe Jack would like to do something nefarious in the science lab). Brightening at the thought of blowing something up, Sam glanced to the side and saw that Daniel was still there. "Thought you weren't speaking to me?"

"You've been hanging around Jack too much."

"We live together." She pointed out logically.

"We *all* live together. You're still hanging out with him too much."



"Hrm?" Ah. There was Jack, loitering outside study hall. Good. He could almost read her mind.

"Do you think Janet would go out with me if I asked her?"

Sam stopped dead and stared at him. "Daniel! That is SO high school!"

Gesturing at the halls around them, he gave her a crooked grin. "Your point?"

"Aren't you supposed to ask Jack to ask me if I would ask Janet if she would go out with you?"

"No. Jack would mock me."

"Daniel, *I* am mocking you."

"Point. So?"

"So what?" She started walking again.

"Would she say yes?"

"I don't know, Daniel. Just ask HER."

"Right. Right."

"After all," oh, god. It was a cliche, but sometimes? They worked. "The worst thing she can do is say yes. Or stick you with some big needles."

"Carter!" Jack shuddered, now within hearing range he'd heard the last line. "Don't give me nightmares about Doc."

"Sorry. Sir."

He glared. "Sam."

Daniel sighed. "Go. Make out with your boyfriend in the science lab."

Glaring at him, Sam snorted. "That was NOT what I was planning to do."

"It isn't?" Jack looked disappointed.

Irritated with the male species as a whole, Sam muttered, "Great. Maybe I'll go find Janet."

"No." Jack grabbed her arm and tugged her down the hall. "Let's go make explosives."

"Who told you explosives were the way to a girl's heart?"

"You did." Glancing around and seeing Daniel still standing there, looking lost, he called, "Just ask her out, Daniel! Get it over with!"

"I did not." Sam informed him, allowing herself to be dragged away from the prison of study hall.

"The other you, then."

"She didn't, either."

Jack glanced at her, then stopped abruptly, opened the door next to them and hustled them both into the broom closet. "You always were contrary."

"I was?"


"I thought we were--" her sentence was cut off, because his lips were on hers. Ah. Making out in the janitor's closet with her boyfriend.

How high school.

"I thought," she said a few minutes later while he was busy giving her neck a hickey that her peers would mock her for, "That we were going to blow things up."

"Got distracted." He mumbled.


"Besides," his mouth drifted up her neck, making her shiver, "I figured we should get some of this in before going cold turkey for the night."


"The Air Force observers, Carter, remember?"

Oh. "Damn." Her hands suddenly found their way inside his shirt. "Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy being this flexible?"

The lips smirked. "Good."

"Besides," she paused to help him remove her pants, "wouldn't want to -- god -- scar them. Ever." Her head went backwards into the wall as his fingers slid into her.


Then there were no more words. Although there was energy, and a little bit of violence, and they almost killed the mop (and the bottle of turpentine, but they didn't break it, luckily).


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