Disclaimer: Not mine. Rating: PG13, mentions sex. Sequel to: A Mini Dilemma Notes: Slightly sappy, *eyes Epi* You get to write their first date, damnit.

A Mini Discussion
by ALC Punk!



"Hormones." Impatient, Sam flipped onto her back and considered drawing detailed stargate maps on her ceiling.

"I *know* what hormones are."

"So use them to your advantage, Janet."

Janet Fraiser made a strange huffy sound. "SAM."


"Get. To. The. Point."

Sam rolled to her side and stared at the girl (who used to be a woman, and sometimes that still disturbed both of them) with exasperation. "You know, *you're* the one who came up with this the last time, as I recall."

The ex-Chief Medical Officer of the highly classified SGC crossed her arms and glared.

"Hathor." Damn. Even the name still brought up bad memories. Involuntarily, Sam shivered.

"Ha--Oh." Janet made a face, "You want me to --"

"Tackle him in the kitchen, or something." The shiver was for a different reason this time, Sam's lips curving in reminiscence. "Did that to Jack, once. Discovered that our refrigerator is very, uh, sturdy."

"Stop." Now Janet was wrinkling her nose. "I don't think I want to know."

"Of course, I have the height advantage. You'll probably have to knock him over and sit on him."

Janet reached out a hand whacked Sam. "I am not knocking him over and dragging him off by the hair like a caveman."

"Awww. But it would be so cute."

"Don't go there, girlfriend."

"Fine, fine." Sam considered. "How about I get Jack and Teal'c to go mini-golfing with me, or something? Then you'll have the entire house to yourself."

"Sam, I don't want the entire house to myself. I just want to go on a date! Or something!"

Rolling her eyes, Sam snorted, "What are you now, Janet, twelve? Are you a mouse or a woman?"

"I'm a damned teenager. Again." Glaring, Janet stalked around the floor of Sam's bedroom, her movements agitated. "And I don't want to do anything stupid, and I don't--"



"I should lock you two into a closet."

"Would you?" Janet looked hopeful.

"No. Janet. You're an adult, damnit. Deal with this like an adult!"

"Oh, like you have?"

Sam blinked. "What?"

"So, Sam, have you and Jack talked about your futures beyond where you'll next have sex?"

"You think we bother talking about that?"

"You're avoiding my question," her best friend noted, smirking slightly.

Sam shrugged one shoulder, "We have time, Janet. We don't need--"

"Carter!" Jack bounced into her room (and bounced was definitely the operative descriptor for the way he seemed to vibrate) without bothering to knock. "I've got a great idea."

"This discussion isn't over," said Janet softly.

"It is now." Sam smirked at Jack and tilted her head, "What's the idea?"

"Hey, Doc."

"Call me Janet, Jack."

"Right. Janet." At a loss for a moment, the man turned teenager eyed the two women. "Was I interrupting something?"

"No, no, I was just leaving."

The door closed behind Janet with a soft thunk. Sam raised her eyebrows, "So?"

"She's gone." Jack let out a relieved sigh and sat down by her feet.

"Yes. What was the idea?"

A hand began playing with her ankle, "Nothin'."


He paused and met her eyes, "Well, I did want to have sex."

Sam sighed. "Jack, you're so predictable."

Waggling his eyebrows at her, he stood and began stripping. "That's why you like me."

"Among other things," she muttered.


Later, she poked him in the shoulder, "So what was your brilliant idea?"


"Jack." She poked him again, and succeeded in getting his hand to grope her. "Gah. I was asking a question not demanding a grope."

"Oh." Removing his face from her pillow, he blinked. "The plan was very simple. Get in. Get Fraiser out. Make mad passionate love to you." A smirk. "Worked well, too."

She blinked. "That was it?"

"Yup." The hand groped her again.

"Jack." She eyed him. "I have homework."

"Please." He blew out a breath and snorted, "You do your homework in ten seconds."

"We already had sex, Jack, I think--" He took advantage of their positions and kissed her. She sighed.

"Hormones," his voice mumbled as he kissed his way down her throat.

"Yeah." There was a breathlessness to her tone again. Damn, she was easy. "Right." Maybe she should draw the stargate system on her ceiling. She certainly saw enough of it.


"Daniel?" Three days has passed since Janet and Sam had their little chat, and Janet was beginning to think Sam was right.

The archeologist (well, proto-ex-whatever you wanted to decide he was) jumped and stared at her. "Janet?"

"Put the knife down, Daniel."

"Ok." He blinked at her and did as she asked.

She stepped further into the kitchen, wondering when she'd become such a wimp. Maybe about the time that it hit her if this went wrong, there was nowhere else to go. "So..."

"Janet?" He shifted, "Do you wanna go see a movie this Friday?"

The words had been said on a fast-released breath, and he was now staring at her with horror. As if he expected her to say no. Or something. Or laugh. She fought an insane urge to giggle, swallowed and replied without (luckily) a squeak, "Yes."

"I mean, I-- yes?"

"Yes." She nodded, then grinned at him and edged closer. "I, was, uh -- what did you want to see?"

"Well, I hadn't looked, but Jack was talking about some epic adventure thingie, or, uhm..."

She moved closer, watching as he instinctively backed up until he hit the counter. "Checking the paper sounds like a plan." Her eyes drawn to his mouth, she stepped right into his personal space.

"Uh, Janet?"

"Daniel?" She leaned into him, stretching up until her hands could grab his head and drag his mouth towards hers. "Shut up and kiss me."



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