Disclaimer: I got permission for them all. Mwahahaha. Only Lyss is mine.

It's a Matter of Principles
by ALC Punk!

A knock came on the hardwood door, followed immediately by the entrance of a slim female Muse. Calliope looked at her in irritation. "I told you, I'm not accepting anymore appointments today, Ambrosia." She glanced at the setting sun out her window and grimaced, "This evening."

The blue-haired Muse smiled apologetically, "I really couldn't stop them, Calliope."

"Oh, no. Not *another* 'special case'." The Queen of the Muses groaned in irritation.

Ambrosia half-shrugged, "You could say that."

"If I had a penny..."

"You'd still be here."

"Don't remind me."

The two were interrupted by the opening of the door. Several Muses strode in, they were covered head-to-toe in black trenchcoats that swirled around them as all good trenches should. Hats were pulled low, nearly obscuring their faces. The one in the lead bowed to Calliope and flourished a bouquet of roses. One of them shut the door behind himself.

"What the hell are you?" Calliope demanded, she ignored the roses being thrust towards her and stood, glaring.

"The Trenchcoat Mafia." Piped one of the figures at the back.

The one in the front appeared wounded that his offering of flowers was being rejected. "My Lady, you injure such a devotee of your pleasant graces."

"I'll wound more than that if you don't explain yourselves."

Ambrosia's lips were twitching from her station to Calliope's left. "I believe they're going to attempt a coup."

"Ambie, you didn't tell her?" One of the hatted figures swept her hat off and bowed to Calliope. "O, lady fair, we come from a far land and bring tidings of a great Muse, who is--"


The redhead winked at Calliope, "You're thinking that this tops all our other pranks. That we can't possibly escape without at least a week in the dungeons."

"Or worse, a month spent cleaning the kitchens!" The Muse behind her inserted.

A small green lizard poked its head out of Lyssie's collar and glared back at the other Muse. "We've done that, you twit."

"I could send you to Egypt again for another 500 years, Kelvren." Calliope noted, her lips set in a thin line.

The Muse blanched, his eyes turning dark for an instant. Then he grinned, "Not unless you want certain photographs published."

"Oh, hush, Kel." admonished Lyssie. "All right, guys, she's figured out who we are."

With a flourish, the remaining four Muses removed their hats. Calliope blinked at the five--six, counting Frank. The Captain and Flame were a surprise. She didn't think they'd fall in for pranks, usually. Frank, Kelvren, Lyssie, yes. The three had been terrible, in centuries past. And as for Alex... "What is this all about?"

"Does my love need any explanation?" With a sniffle, Alexander Solomon dropped to his knees on the carpet. "O, Beautious Lady, thou--"

Flame glared at the kneeling Muse. The Captain stuffed her hat in his mouth. "I knew that would come in handy."

"Erm, Calliope, if you could wait a moment..." Lyssie looked at the lizard on her shoulder, "You did tell him, right?"

"Of coursse."

With a slight bang, the door behind them opened again, and Tadgh strode in, looking rushed. "Sorry I'm late, had to put Epona to bed." Flame glanced at the newcommer, then stepped closer to Kelvren. Tadgh either didn't notice, or didn't want to cause a scene.

"Ah. Where's your trenchcoat?" Lyssie asked, her eyebrow raised.

"I forgot." He shrugged, "What's this about, anyway?"

"Well..." Lyssie glanced at the Captain, then giggled. "Calliope, O Queen, on behalf of some of your lesser Muses, we're here to tell you--"

"To take a vacation. For a week. Or so."

"Not longer," Kelvren said.

"We can't hold the fort down for that long."

"Er, for longer than that."


Ganymede stuck his head in, "They're right."

"I do not need a vacation." Calliope snapped.

"Uh-huh." Lyssie nodded, "Right. And that's why all of these 'special cases' are getting to you."

"They'd get to anyone," Calliope muttered.

"You have to admit that it can't be easy, in her shoes." Ambrosia pointed out sweetly. "Everyone wants something."

Lyssie blinked, "We don't. Well, not much. But...."

"We're not much for declarations, or anything, Cal." Kelvren noted. "Except 'Lex, of course--"

"But, there was this one time," The Captain replied, "Where quite a few of us pledged our fealty to you."

"We don't like to be reminded of it." Frank said, "It'ss ssort of embarrasssing."

Tadgh finally got over his confusion, "Is that what this is all about?"

"Sort of." Lyssie gestured to the six--seven of them, "What we're saying, Queen-lady, is that you need a break. So, for that matter does Ambrosia."

The Captain smirked, "We thought about talking to Al, but he's been busy on Walkabout."

Ambrosia blushed, then glared at her former students. "You have a point?"

"I thought we already said--vacations for the both of you. The term has started, so there isn't much to take up your time yet." Lyssie tilted her head to the side, "You'll be back before mid-terms, and, well..."

The Captain patted the sword pommel at her hip, "If there are any more 'special cases'..."

Kelvren grinned, "You know where to send them."

Tadgh crossed his arms, amused, "To us?"

"Indeed." Alex finally succeeded in removing the hat, "My tasty crumpet, you know I would go with you, but that I have pledged my time to these miscreants in your absence. We shall keep everything shipshape and water tight until your return."

Calliope had stood silently, listening to this all with the occasional twitch of her lips. Since this seemed the end of their argument, she remained silent for quite a while, studying them carefully. It was an old tactic, and worked best on the newer Muses, who would begin to fidget in the silence after a while, feeling maybe slightly guilty for some unnamed sin they had never done. But might, someday, do.

However, these seven had known her for too long--even Kelvren and Alexander with their long absences knew her. Most of them were guilty of any of the sins she could accuse them of. And so they remained standing calmly, waiting for her answer. Perfectly willing to wait all evening, and probably all night, too. Although she was willing to be that Frank and Alex, and possibly Lyss, would begin lamenting their non-drunk state soon.

"My answer is no." She said simply.

"But--" Seven voices cried in protest.

She raised a hand, and they silenced, waiting. "I am the Queen. I don't get a vacation." She allowed a small smile to touch her lips, "Although, as punishment, I shall send all future 'special cases' to you seven."

"The Magnificent Seven!" Lyssie quipped.

"But, my love, we would spare you from this dearth of life," Alexander protested.

They all rolled their eyes at him.

"Get up, 'Lex." Calliope set her hands on her desk and leaned towards them all, "Now, I suggest you all leave, before I sentence you to teaching the newest crop of Muses their P's and Q's."

"That could actually be fun." Kelvren noted, looking intrigued. The others were moving hastily towards the door as Ganymede removed himself from their path.

Lyss grabbed his arm, "Trust me. It isn't."

"Why not?"

"What's the current trend in music?"


"Rap. Hiphop. Boybands and pop queens."


"Ever checked out the ficlands owned by Fanfiction Dotnet?"


Calliope held in a chuckle until the door had closed.

"Well, that went well." Ambrosia decided as she watched her queen reseat herself behind the mountain of paper.

"Did it?" Calliope tilted her blonde head at the Head of the Collegium. "And, just WHAT did you have to do with this?"

The blue-haired Muse smiled, "I'll never tell."


Ambrosia moved towards the door, then turned back, her eyes dancing, "But you have to admit, it's a good idea."

"It isn't."

"Oh, of course. After all, you would NEVER need time off from this humdrum existance." Ambro winked, "That's why you sometimes sneak away to the Misty Mountains on the weekend."

"That is purely for scientific purposes."


Calliope snorted, "Go away and leave me. And tell Ganymede to do his damned job."

"Yes, my Queen."


Notes: Right. The Captain belongs to Yasmin, Ambrosia, Flame, and Kel belong to Farli, Al belongs to Seraph, Alexander Solomon belongs to Doqz, Frank belongs to Rossi, Tadgh belongs to Epona, Calliope and Ganymede belong to all (but Yasmin created this version, iirc). Lyssie is mine. Or I am hers.

The Collegium was Farli's idea.
The Oath of Fealty happened shortly after the Muse War, but Lyss refuses to talk about it. Sigh.
Subreality itself, is a joint venture started by Kielle, Falstaff, and Tapestry.
Summary: The Trenchcoat Mafia attempts to send Calliope 'away'.
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