Disclaimer: Not mine. Rating: non-consensual activities. Sex. Men being men. Not for the kiddies.
Setting: KLG1, spoils the beginning.
Pairing: Gaeta/Baltar/Six
This doesn't have to be read before mine, especially as mine isn't set after it. But it IS the inspiration for this one. http://www.livejournal.com/users/stars_like_dust/144493.html
Songs ('cause I can): Breaking Benjamin - So Cold ; Gravity Kills - Take It All Away
Notes: This isn't fluff. This is REALLY NOT FLUFF. It's also slightly OOC (ok, a lot. Bite me) for Gaeta. Archiving: Please ask.

Little Flower
by ALC Punk!

She left him too fast, Gaius decides, feeling strange as he sits against the counter, sheet wrapped around his waist. Kara Thrace cried out for another man while being in his bed. That's never happened before. It's like being pricked with a needle.

"Lee, Leeeee."

She's mocking him, and he knows it. Driving slivers of glass into his skin to annoy him. To reduce him. But he's the Hand of God, and he just bedded Starbuck. Albeit unsatisfactorily.

The knock on the hatch startles him, and he straightens.

"Think she's here to apologize, Gaius?"

She's still mocking him, so he tries to shut her out. Turns away and pastes a conciliatory smile on his face as he opens the door.

Lieutenant Gaeta is standing there.

"The world is ending."

"The world already ended, Mr. Gaeta." He corrects, stepping back to let him in, resigned to applying his hands to the matter once the man has left. There's probably some question or other about the Cylon detector.

"Wish you'd never been born, Gaius?"

Gaeta smiles, and it's not a nice smile. And Gaius wonders (too late, far too late) what changed him.

"He's so cute, Gaius. Always panting after you like a puppy."

I am ignoring you, he thinks, but he smiles at Gaeta. "So, what's the word?"

"That the world is ending." The smile continues, and the young man steps into Gaius' personal space. "And I've finally realized something."


"I'm not going to wait for you anymore."

"Aw, young love. Isn't it precious, Gaius? I bet he brought you flowers."

Not flowers. Pain slams into Gaius' brain, registering a second after Gaeta's fist impacts his gut. "I could wait forever for you, Doctor."

"Mr. Gaeta, I--"

Another punch, this one spinning him halfway around and Gaeta closes the distance, pins hand behind his back and shoves him into the wall. Gaius can't even think for a moment.

"I would have waited forever."

She's on his other side, her lips tickling his ear. "I could have waited forever, Gaius."

"But I saw her leave, her clothes half-hanging off. You and Starbuck." A bitter laugh. "I thought you were different from her, from them. But you're not. You only love yourself."

And they both said the last, overlapping each other, and Gaius Baltar thinks that's wrong. Two imperfect beings shouldn't be able to echo each other at the exact same moment. Another pain as his face grinds into the steel of the wall. Gaius almost wants to correct him on the love bit, but all he can do is beg.


"The great Gaius Baltar, pleading. Proof yet again that he loves only one thing."


"Yes what, doctor?"

The pain lessens, and he wonders, in an instant, if he can get out of this. But he's no fighter. He's a thinker, a planner. And he'll plan until the day he dies to protect exactly one thing. "Yes. I love you."

Words are cheap. Sex is cheap. He hasn't bedded more women than he could count to know that. And he's still hard.

"Prove it."

"This should be interesting. I've never watched this mating ritual before."

She's laughing at him as he turns and swallows, reaching out to skim a finger along Gaeta's jaw. "I can't believe it's taken this long for you to ask." He leans close, lips following his finger. "After all. You are rather... special."

"Yes, I am."


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