All previous disclaimers apply

Dancing Holidays, part 2

by ALC Punk!

"...What I really need is somebody, who is already there.."

Pete Wisdom sat sipping his scotch and watched his girlfriend tear up the dance floor with her girlfriends. ~God, she's bloody beautiful.~ He could see the sweat coating Kat's face and neck glisten in the light. They'd ended up at some cafe that was playing 80s dance music. Everyone agreed that was a good thing, and proceeded to get down with it. Pete, didn't dance. If he didn't have to, anyway. Kat had already dragged him on the floor for the Time Warp *and* the Safety Dance. He sighed and looked down at his drink, pondering the mother-in-law-from hell. ~Nearly in-law,~ He mentally corrected himself, ~Though, at this soddin' rate..~ He didn't know if things were going well in that department, or not. Kat had always seemed a bit of a free spirit--which he liked. And didn't like to be pinned down--which he also liked. She was wonderfully unique was his Kat. Fiery, passionate, intelligent, smart as a whip and loving as all hell. And he was hers. It had taken all of three weeks before their sniping, nasty baiting of each other had changed to mutual respect and lust. Love had followed soon after.

And now... He drew on his fag. The welcome hadn't been precisely all-encompassing. Kat had pointed out that her parents had a perfect right to reject her after she hadn't been there for three years. He wasn't sure, though the adjoining rooms was an interesting little touch. ~Rather strange that.~ He recalled the surprise he'd had, seeing that door as he emptied his suitcase. It felt weird, though ~like we're being sanctioned or somethin'. Bloody odd, really.~ Kat felt odd enough about it, that she had insisted they sleep separately after the first night. 'I keep expecting my dad to come storming in!' He recalled her saying that first night. ~Bleedin' 'ell. I miss having her curled up with me!~ And he wasn't allowed to smoke in the house, either, ~It's bloody cold out there, and I gotta go outside to smoke.~

"Hey Pete, you okay?"

He glanced up at Doug and shrugged, "Wot? Do I look like some depressed little wanker?"

Doug blinked and grinned, pulling out a chair and sitting down. "Nope. Just curious. You're watching Kat with this look, that's all."

"Look?" He blinked and took another drag on his fag.

Doug shrugged, "Like you're about to devour her, that's all." He sipped from the cup in his hand. "And, you've been a little.. Testy since we got here. I'm just wondering what the problem might be."

"None o' your bleedin' business, that's wot it is." He growled at Doug.

"So there is a problem, then?" Doug smirked as Pete growled and stubbed his cigarette out savagely before lighting another. "C'mon, Pete me ol' mate, out with it. Is it Christmas? The fact that your mum's showing tomorrow? Kat? What?"

Pete shrugged, "Hanukkah."

The other leaned back in his chair and blinked, "Hanukkah?"

"Kat's Jewish. Her mother and father are as well, but, because she invited us lot, her mother decided to forgo their normal routine and celebrate bloody Chrimble."

He watched Doug attempt to try to answer and fail. Finally, "Shouldn't we try to rectify this? I mean, it is their house, we're just guests--uninvited at that."

Pete shook his head, "Kat an' I already talked about it. She said her mum is set on Chrimble now."

"Well, we plan to do this next year somewhere else, so why don't we plan and celebrate Hanukkah then?"

"Celebrate Hanukkah when?" Yana dropped into the chair on Doug's other side, looking between the two of them interestedly. "And why would we--?"

"Kat's Jewish. Her parents are doing Chrimble for us lot, and because it would be nice." Pete stated. He leaned forward and picked up his drink. It was empty. "Bloody 'ell." He rose. "Back in a bit."


Kat watched the house approach as they drove closer and wondered irritably if she could get away with dropping everyone but Pete off and running off to a hotel. Of course, her brain inserted, Pete was driving, would he? ~Nah. Knowing Mom and Dad, it wouldn't work. Damn.~ Everyone was quiet as they entered the house and trooped up to their rooms. ~December 23rd.~ Kat smiled in the dark, ~One more week and we're all nearly finished here.~ She sighed as she closed her door behind her. ~Dammit. I never thought that celibacy could make me so cranky. But until I'm out of my parent's house, I'm NOT going there. It would be way too weird.~ She moved away from the door with the light off. Illumination was provided by the street light outside the window. She began digging for a nightshirt, then stopped. ~Bloody hell. Sod this, I'm missing him. Badly. If I'm going to have to be here another week, with my parents thinking I'm doing, it, I might as well...~ She stalked towards the connecting door. ~Pete has to be missing me. He's looked a bit anxious.~ She reached the door and stopped. ~But, it feels so odd. My parents are two floors down, though. Who cares?~

She stood there, feeling suddenly indecisive. ~What if he doesn't want me anymore?~ The little thought, silly and insecure though it was, floated through her mind. "No. He does. We were dancing earlier, doofus, remember?" She muttered to herself.

"Somethin' wrong, love?" She looked up to find Pete standing in the open doorway. He'd taken his shirt off and was standing there, trousers unbuttoned, but not unzipped. ~Gods. No man should be allowed to look that sexy.~

A thought flitted through Kat's mind, something about unfairness. She reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt, then yanked it off.

Pete jumped, his eyes dilating a bit as he stared at her standing there, topless. "Wot'dja do that for, love?"

"Fairness," her voice had dropped huskily, "You're topless. I should be topless."

He leered at her, "So, if I take off me trousers, you'll take off that skirt?"

"Yes," she breathed. ~Oh, do! Please!~ She stepped towards him. He backed into his own room. She stalked him, backing him up to the bed. "But I'd rather take them off myself."


Kat sighed as she woke up, hazily noting the warm body wrapped around her. ~December 23rd. Erk. My head.~ She decided *not* to open her eyes. Pain pounded through both temples. ~God. I must have been a little bit too drunk last night. I don't normally get hangovers.~ Vaguely, she recalled trying to drink one of the club's patrons under the table. A man she didn't even know. When they'd gotten to straight shots of Jack, she'd quit. She shifted again, and drifted back into sleep.


Ororo Pryde watched the sunrise from the back porch. It was glorious, all reds and golds with blue undertones. Purple clouds dotted the horizon, while violet receded across the sky slowly. She sighed, feeling at peace for once. Her tea had cooled. ~Drat.~ Finding the pot nearly empty, she searched through the teabags. ~Raspberry? Chamomile? No, Orange Peko.~ The pot gurgled as it started up. Her daughter and her daughter's lover had been rather irritable the last few days. Ororo thought in amusement that they must not be using the opportunities presented them. ~I remember that feeling. Way back at the beginning, when Garret and I were on honeymoon. Anytime we didn't get to love less than four times..~ She chuckled.

Life was like that, though. If you didn't grab the chances handed you, sometimes things went sour. ~And sometimes they get better.~ Ororo remembered the phone call from Kitty informing them that Juliard had kicked her out for a prank. ~I wanted to.. I wanted to smack her. Then hug and comfort her, make her all better.~ Kitty hadn't needed it. She'd been so cheerful, 'Mom, I'm finally happy. I hated the strictures there!' ~My baby is so grown.~ She thought, proudly. Though she she felt a few twinges thinking of her daughter having sex, while unmarried. ~She loves him, though. It's in her face, her movements. Garret and I used to look like that.~ She felt a vague sadness wash over her, ~We used to be like that, always touching, or holding hands. Now..~ She stared blindly at the teapot-cum-coffeemaker as it gurgled the end of the pot out.

"Ororo? Come back to bed, love. I'm getting cold."

She turned and smiled, "In a minute Garret, the pots nearly done."

He walked towards her, an odd smile on his face, in his eyes, "It is done."

Ororo backed away from him, "Oh. So it is." She felt suddenly as giddy as a schoolgirl as Garret caught her in his arms and buried his face in her hair.

He breathed in, "Mmmm.. You smell nice." He pulled back and looked into her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Bed?" She slipped out of his arms and walked towards the kitchen door. Ororo stopped and turned back.

Garret still stood there, next to the counter. "It's a beautiful day."

She held out her hand, "Yes. Let's make it perfect."

He smiled, a little sadly, and stepped towards her. "Perfect?"

"We can do that right, obviously. We produced our Kitten. And she's perfect in every way."

"Yes." He bent and kissed her lightly, fleetingly. Her body reacted, tensing. "Bed, 'Ro, dear."

"Yesss." She breathed.


Rahne sat in the middle of the bed and stared out the window. ~Christmas. Last year, I was in the middle of New York, wondering what was going to happen. We'd all just gotten done touring. Playing night clubs and little hole-in-the-wall theatres. And, now? I'm here. With my family. The band.~ She smiled.

"Mmmrmm?" Amanda Sefton woke up and blinked in the sunlight streaming through the window. "Rahne? Can you close the window? Oh, my heead." She moaned, and clutched at her temples.

Chuckling, Rahne got off the bed and complied, pulling the blue curtains across the window. The light level dropped into near darkness. "Better?"

"Mmhm.. Danke." Amanda turned a little and appeared to go back to sleep. Then, "Rahne?"


"Are you in love with my brother?"

"No." Rahne frantically tried to figure out where the hell this question was coming from, "Why do you ask?"

Amanda shrugged, then winced, "Just curious, that's all."


Breakfast, take two.

"So, I was telling him, 'Bernie,' I say, 'They'll never make their money back!' And was I right, or what?" Kat's Uncle Bobby threw his head back and laughed at his own joke.

The others joined in, or not, depending on their mental faculties.. Which is to say, none at all laughed. "Um.. Funny Bobby, reallll funny." Betsy drawled. She was Bobby's fiancee, and how he got a woman like her, everyone would forever wonder.

Ororo glanced up as Kitty and Pete entered the kitchen. They were, ~Glowing, there's no other word for it. Guess they got either frustrated, or over their hangups.~ She smiled at her daughter and offered her some tea.


"There isn't any."

Kat swayed and looked in horror at her mother, "Not any?? What? Didn't I warn you that we all drink it like water? Mottherrr!" Her mother threw back her head and *laughed*. "This isn't funny! Coffee is my life's blood." Kat finished a little pitifully.

Pete wrapped an arm around her, "There, there luv. I'll make some bloody instant coffee, you'll get your fix."

"Instant?" Kat whirled on him, "You would dare to give me instant??"

Meanwhile, most of the others in the room watched the scene with interest. No few with laughter. All save uncle Bobby, who got up and left the room.

Pete smiled and caught his lover in his arms again. "You'll survive."

She chuckled, "Yes, I guess I will." She sighed, "Mom, what's the tea that's up?"

"Raspberry now. I had Orange Peko earlier but it was consumed very quickly." Ororo responded.

"Thanks." Kat fixed herself a mug and watched amused as Pete delved into the refridgerator and pulled out an assortment of foods. The plate he assembled contained bacon, eggs, sausage, and toast. And carrots. And a tomato. And an apple. And more bacon. Kat sat down, and waited for him to follow. When he did, she swiped his fruit and began munching. ~hmm.. Mom looks.. Happy. For once. She's glowy, too. Almost like.. ick. I do NOT want to think about that.~ She shied away from the thought of her parents doing--that.

"They're predicting snow!" Doug came running in, ecstatic, "At least six inches!! Sledding, here we come!"

~We act like children. Ah well, we deserve it.~ She watched as Yana and Kurt joined Doug in enthusiastically planning sledding expeditions for the snow. Rahne wandered in during this and put in her two cents about it. Kat smiled.

"Don't know what you lot're going all spastic about bleedin' snow for." Pete growled, abruptly leaving the table.

Silence reigned as they all looked at each other. "His mother's coming in today." Kat explained, "I think he's a bit nervous about it. He'll be fine."

The band nodded at her, "Ah." Kurt said, "I see."

Kat got up, finishing the apple as she did. "I'm going after him, though."


White. All that could be seen was white. It blanketed the roads, the trees and house. Even the little powerlines had a coating. It had been snowing for an hour now, and didn't appear to be letting up. Pete stared at it, shivering. "She's not coming."

A sigh, one of many he'd heard in the last two hours, sounded behind him. "Pete yes she IS."

They were standing on the front porch, both in jackets that really weren't keeping the cold out. Kat was shivering, but she refused to let him wait alone. ~Her plane must be late. Maybe we should have gone to meet her.~ The thought finally made sense. "Pete, I'm going to go ask Mom if we can borrow the car, and we're driving to the airport." ~Anything's better than waiting.~

He didn't answer.

Ten minutes later, Kat was driving her Mother's 93 green Saturn to the airport. Cigarette smoke was thick inside. "Pete, even I can't handle this much smoke, could you open the window a bit?"

The window whistled as he opened it, but otherwise she received no answer. Silence reigned for the rest of the twenty minute trip.

The terminal was packed. People coming, going, or not knowing what they were doing milled about. ~British Air. She's flying in BritAir.~ Kat thought. She'd parked in short-term parking, and they were now on the lower Concourse level of the airport. ~There! Departures.. No.. Arrivals.. Flight 1229.. Ah!~ "Delayed. She was delayed Pete," she turned to him. "Let's go wait at her gate, okay?"

No answer as he set off blindly in the direction the signs indicated for the gates. She followed, and grabbed his arm, "Slow down!" He looked at her, then stopped, looking a bit sheepish.

"I'm sorry love, I just worry about her. She doesn't like flying, you know."

"Yes, I know." She wrapped her arm around his waist, "Let's go a bit slower, though. I'm not up for a sprint through miles of airport. Especially not with this headache."

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Neither am I."

"GATE 24. This is the gate she's scheduled for. Look, according to the sign, the plane has landed." Kat felt him tense up a bit. She tightened her arm, "Stop that. She's fine." He relaxed again. "We'll go sit over here, okay?"

They sat. ~Gah. These are some of the most uncomfortable airport chairs I've ever had the 'honour' to sit in!~ Kat thought wryly. ~And ugly, too.~ They were blue. Not cobalt, or periwinkle. Sky blue. With bright orange accents. In nasty fake plasticy stuff. And they had arms between each chair. Cold, metal arms. She couldn't comfortably hug Pete anymore. ~Drat.~ She debated with herself. ~Fine. I'll do this the old-fashioned way. Or is that new-fashioned?~ People around them gaped a bit as she stood up and then sat down again. In Pete's lap, "Better."

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her back. She leaned into him. They sat like that for an interminable amount of time. Then, "Now disembarking for flight 1229."

Kat hopped off Pete's lap, and watched him struggle up, "Me legs're numb, ya bloody tart." He grumbled.

She giggled, "Sorrry. Now, let's be nice and watch for your mother."

He caught her hand and stood next to her, watching. People spilled out of the doorway. Young, old, wearing a variety of clothes. Here black leather, there white cotton. Pink tshirts, blue jeans. Boots, tennies, high heeled sandals in one case. Pete's hand tightened on hers. "Who?"

[ * ] Part Three [ * ] Contact Ana [ * ] Back to Archive [ * ]

© 1999 ALC Punk!